Though his morals are slightly twisted, it doesn't effect his personality that much. Kageito is very shy, curious, and playful, but is a mostly good person. Hands on the ends of them that have a mind of their own. His jacket is white with black accents and he has a black scarf with these sort of. He is sometimes depicted having a rather demonic looking mask on the side of his head. The red marks has under his eyes from lack of sleep, as blood vessels in the eyes were broken making permanent red marks. He is a black and white derivative of Kaito, his hair is pitch black, paleish skin, and bright red eyes. His name is the combo of 'Kaito' and 'Kage' which means shadow in Japanese. Kageito Shion!! He's like Nigaito in the sense that he is typically perceived to be child like physically as well as personality wise. He's the black sheep and the only people he shows at least some emotion for is his family, but he's still cold. He is known to harm himself for no apparent reason and then show off the wound to others, as well as get into fights constantly. Taito is a Yandeloid! He has deep feelings for his master or whoever his emotions are attached to.
#Zeito shion Patch
He wears medical bandages all over his body which are bloodied sometimes, and he wears an eye patch over his right eye. His jacket is black and purple and is left open most of the time, with nothing underneath of it. While his nails stay purple, his hair can vary from black to purple, as well as bid eye color changing from people to red when he's in yandere mode. He is black and purple themed and among the brothers he has the most variation in appearance. He can sometimes use Kaito's usual voice set up.

His voice is rather high pitched, about a whole step up from Kaito's voice, though when he's in yandere mode.

Taito Shion!!! His name is simultaneously a pun on "Kaito" and a combination of the two kanji "帯 " which means 'belt' or 'sash,' used to make the word for 'bandage' and "人" which means 'person'. This is my personal favorite among all the brothers :3 if you couldn't tell by my username.